This is the happy tale of a coffee bean who carried a successful brand on his tiny shoulders. Wild Bean Cafes was a struggling chain of sandwich stores inside BP Select convenience stores in search of a brand identity. Enter Eddie Bean—an animated "spokesbean" I created to spread Wild Bean's gospel of freshness. Soon Eddie's caffeinated charm was driving traffic, growing sales and winning hearts in every town that welcomed him.
TEASER OUTDOOR  -  Who the heck is Eddie Bean? That's what everyone wanted to know. We introduced Eddie using teaser outdoor  to pique curiosity, then directed people to Eddie's blog to fuel the buzz.
EDDIE'S FICTIONAL BLOG - Introduced Eddie's high-caffeine personality during four weeks of teaser outdoor while omitting one small detail—he's actually a coffee bean. By the time the campaign broke, people were inviting Eddie over for drinks and dinner.

LAUNCH TV  -  "Boardroom"  -  The world learns why Eddie's so caffeinated. Two weeks later, we turned him loose in all media channels:  TV, radio, digital, social media, direct response, street teams, even doorhangers. He was one busy little bean.
           OUTDOOR CAMPAIGN  -  A strong outdoor presence drove home Eddie's mantra of freshness.
LAUNCH RADIO - "Obsessions Anonymous"  -  Eddie's unique persona was a natural for the airwaves.
WILD BEAN MICROSITE  -  Eddie Bean's online home was loopy and fun. The heavily-trafficked website shared Eddie's personal story, featured fun games to download, and offered coupons to further drive business.
                                                    ANIMATED BANNER AD  -  Soon Eddie was popping up on computer screens all over town.
PROMOTIONAL TV  -  "Roasty Toasted"  -  Promotions changed monthly, making sure Wild Bean                                 enthusiasts had a reason to come back. 

                                                    ANIMATION STYLEGUIDE  -  Eddie was so successful stateside that we created a 14-page Animation Styleguide so that franchise operations in Great Britain and Australia could welcome him to their countries.    

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